Thursday, April 19, 2007

Umm, something about god or something

In a desperate and no doubt vain (ed’s note: you're so vain. I bet you think this blog is about you) attempt to escape the wrath of god (did I mention god was communicating with me through my blog now? Really? Makes face... cause it sounds like something I would have mentioned. Drums fingers impatiently) I am going to make one of those lists of other people's blogs that run down the right hand side of other people's blogs. Yep, gonna make it with own bare hands. Bit like Noah really, except with slightly less live stock and drunkenness. But only slightly.

Okay, so, it’s gonna be on the left hand side because, well, that’s just how god wants it be. Read your bibles people. Left is best.

That makes two.


mist1 said...

I am mostly left handed. Does that make me the best? Does G*d smile on me more than right handed people? Because, if so, I'd like to start seeing some preferential treatment.

Jarad said...

Mist, darling, as far as I can discern from your blog, you are the result of some kind of holy alliance between Kafka and Naomi Campbell and, in surely the best indication of god’s love for an individual, your cup runneth over with shoes and wine. And you think god isn’t already giving you preferential treatment? Honey, he probably has a photo of you in his wallet.

P.S. Ever notice how “King of the Jews” rhymes with “Fabulous shoes”? No? I didn’t think so.

Anonymous said...


I would probably sleep with your blog too, you know, provided that it's not one of those blogs that talks during movies or tries to stick its tongue all the way down your throat when making out. I'd shoot those blogs if given the chance Jarad. Shoot them right in the face.

Jarad said...


In a sure sign that you and I are destined to be together I once spent a brief (though eventful) period in prison after I bit off somebody’s tongue in an (successful) attempt to stop them talking during a movie. To answer your questions in order of their importance: 1. It tasted like overcooked pork and 2. Yes, I am free Saturday night. Should I call you?

Jarad said...

P.S. Please forgive the tardiness of my response. I have been unconscious.